How to calculate Story Pointing
Jul 22, 2020
It’s difficult to provide exact estimation i.e. how many days it will take to complete a user-story.
My learning and suggestions towards story pointing —
Define some rules for your team and stick to them
- less complexities … high complexities
1,2,3,5,8,13,21 - or may be min-max days is equal to X story point, for eg.
- 2–3 days -> 5 story
- 3–5 days -> 8 story
- 5–8 days -> 13 story
Play Poker Planning Game with Team members to define StoryPoint for a UserStory
- Discuss user-story
- Every team member estimate from the above rule.
- When you open cards and find a huge difference, then re-discuss.
- Re estimate
- at last, Result will be the Story point of that UserStory.
Learn from Sprint Results
- Avg story point from first 4–5 sprints is equal to story point your team can deliver in a sprint . As an eg.
Sprint1 -> 200 story point allocated -> 70 story point delivered.
Sprint2 -> 100 story point allocated -> 60 story point delivered.
Sprint3 -> 90 story point allocated -> 70 story point delivered.
Sprint4 -> 70 story point allocated -> 60 story point delivered.
Avg story point of your team is 65. So basically if you assign 65 story point’s user-stories then most probably whole sprint user-stories will be delivered . - Total story points doesn’t get change overtime, though the number of user stories increases. (as the team member’s experience increases and team member start decreasing story point for a user-story.)
- Total story point delivered in sprint may vary on factors like holiday, leaves, resignation, new member addition etc.